The Safest Places to Visit In Africa for the Traveler in You

Africa, a masterpiece of culture, raw beauty, and wilderness, promises a fun-filled adventure. As travelers, our eagerness to witness the extraordinary can often be dimmed by safety concerns. Hesitating a trip to Africa often stems from misconceptions that couldn’t be farther away from the truth. This mindset can deprive you of experiencing one of the most exciting continents of the world. Travel inherently involves some risk, no matter how safe the destination is. Maintaining awareness and making conscious choices can help us safeguard ourselves.

The land believed to be the “cradle of humanity” boasts diversity and comprises 52 countries, many of which are deemed safe for tourists. African governments proactively cater to development and safety in the tourism sector given its contribution to the economy. The Global Peace Index (GPI) is the official indicator of the safety of a country globally, produced annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). It can help you assess and determine a country’s safety status.

In this blog, we explore the safest places to visit in Africa, along with the safety factors tourists can consider.

What Safety Factors to Consider When Traveling to Africa?

Before you start dreaming about your African escapade consider the factors that will determine your safety.

The following are some of them:

Societal Safety and Security

Just like other places Africa has its fair share of crimes. Understanding the local crime rates, especially in urban areas can enhance your awareness. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing are common in some regions, while others may have higher instances of violent crime. Being mindful and alert at all times can help avoid jeopardizing your safety.

Another thing to remember is learning about and respecting local customs and traditions. This can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, making your travel experience smoother and safer.

Chatting with folks in the local area can help you gauge how safe they feel in their community. Their insights can hint at valuable clues about the overall security of a place.

Travel Advisory

Stay updated on the latest travel advisories released by the government of your home country and international bodies such as the US Department of State for current safety, health, and security concerns. Also, make sure to check out the local travel guidelines and advisories. While it may seem that these advisories exhibit a sense of fear-mongering, it is still a valid cautionary measure.

Reach out to local authorities, tour operators, or reputable hotels to better understand what’s happening in and around you and get insights on which areas to steer clear of. 

tanzania hotels

Image Credits: Trip Advisor


Africa’s climate can be unpredictable from extreme heat in deserts to heavy rains in tropical regions. Prepare by looking up the predicted weather patterns specific to your destination and pack accordingly.

Be aware of risks such as droughts, floods, or cyclones. Familiarizing yourself with the local safety measures and protocols will help equip you in the wake of unprecedented events.

Political Stability

You need to look into the political climate and stability of a country. Stable governments make for safer environments for travelers. It instills a sense of assurance of security for tourists and travelers.

By probing into the most recent news you can look for any sign of political unrest or conflicts that are occurring to avoid visiting places amid turmoil.


Before you travel, consider if the place’s infrastructure is reliable. In case of emergencies, ensure you have access to adequate healthcare facilities. Take note of the locations of hospitals and clinics at your destination that provide quality care. 

Take a look at the safety and reliability of the local transportation network, like the road conditions, public transport safety, and whether emergency services are readily available.

Choose accommodations that have good security measures in place, such as 24-hour surveillance and secure storage options. Reading reviews from other travelers can help you gauge safety. 


Unfortunately, some parts of Africa such as Nigeria, Mali, and Somalia are more prone to higher risks of terrorism. However, the countries mentioned in this list are of low-level risks and are relatively safe.

Always stay informed about any potential threats and avoid high-risk areas. Follow safety protocols advised by local and international authorities, stay alert in crowded places, be wary, and report any suspicious activity.

Health and Hygiene

Health is a major consideration. Make sure you’re up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations, such as those for yellow fever and malaria. Be cautious about what you eat and drink—stick to bottled or purified water and well-cooked meals to avoid foodborne illnesses. 

Good personal hygiene is also key to preventing illness, so carry hand sanitizer and use it frequently, especially before eating.

Taking these factors into account will help you have a safe and enjoyable African adventure. Stay informed, plan, and be cautious to make the most of your travels.

What are the Safest Places to Visit in Africa?

The following table consists of some of the safest places to visit in Africa with their safety status as per the Global Peace Index in 2023

47Sierra Leone1.792

Source: Vision of Humanity

  1. Mauritius

The clear blue waters and sandy beaches of Mauritius attract thousands of visitors each year. It is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant cultural diversity, luxury resorts, and rich history. It is a unique blend of Indian, African, Chinese, and European influences making it a melting pot of flavors. You can soak in panoramic views at the heritage site of Le Morne Brabant or enjoy a bit of relaxation on the island of Ile aux Cerfs. If you’re looking to indulge in lively nightlife, Grand Baie is the place to be.


Image Credits: And Beyond

Mauritius is deemed one of the safest countries to travel to in Africa. The country has political stability, a well-developed transportation system, and an efficient police force. It has a low crime rate compared to many other destinations, and violent crime against tourists is rare. Its safety status makes it welcoming for solo female travelers in particular. 

Minor crimes like pickpocketing and purse snatching do however exist. Take basic safety precautions, such as avoiding isolated areas at night and watching your belongings in crowded places. Avoid venturing into dimly lit premises and on less-traveled solo hikes. Use ATMs in secure settings such as resorts and banks.

  1. Ghana

Ghana, known as the “Gateway to Africa,” enchants visitors with its vibrant culture, rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. The country is home to UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle which echoes tales of Ghana’s past. This destination is a top choice for travelers seeking cultural immersion and adventure.


Image Credits: Nat Geo

For the most part, Ghana is one of the safest countries to visit in Africa with a relatively low crime rate, political stability, and significantly improved infrastructure. Even though risks are minimal, it isn’t completely devoid of them. There are petty thefts that generally occur at crowded tourist spots such as Accra, so it’s important to maintain awareness and take sensible safety measures. 

  1. Tanzania

Tanzania possesses natural beauty that will leave you awestruck. It is a premier Safari destination that offers some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities. It is home to one of Africa’s seven wonders—The Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest inactive and intact unfilled volcanic caldera. One can witness the spectacle of The Great Migration in the Serengeti National Park. You can also explore the towering marvel, Mount Kilimanjaro, and the idyllic beaches of Zanzibar. 

The nation has a stable government, low crime rates, and reliable infrastructure. With its well-trodden safari paths and welcoming coastal retreats, it is generally considered travel-friendly and safe.

Tanzania saw a 24.3% increase in visits in 2023, with 1,808,205 visitors, setting a new record in comparison to the previous three years. In 2022, the country recorded the highest number of arrivals from the United States of America with 100,600 visitors compared to other countries.

Regardless of its safety status, be mindful and take general precautions like hiding valuable items. A point to be noted is—that the country’s commercial capital, Dar es Salaam may pose some safety concerns such as petty thefts, vandalism, and assault, like any other big city, and should be avoided if possible.

  1. Kenya

Known as “The Pride of Africa”, Kenya is bound to mesmerize you with its diverse wildlife species and golden savannahs that meet azure waters. Africa’s second-highest peak, Mount Kenya, offers breathtaking trekking opportunities amidst diverse ecosystems. One can also witness a pink carpet of flamingos at Lake Nakuru National Park at certain times of the year. 

The country is also known for its rich cultural heritage that can be discovered in places such as Lamu Old Town and among its many ethnic groups. An enormous effort is directed towards preserving wildlife to protect endangered species such as elephants, rhinos, and lions. 

Despite occasional political tensions, Kenya maintains relative political stability, making it one of Africa’s safer destinations. Staying informed about local news and following guidelines from authorities is recommended.

While some regions, especially along the Somali border, should be avoided due to lawlessness and crime, most of Kenya is safe for visitors. The government has made substantial investments in tourist safety, and significantly decreased crime rates, particularly in tourist hotspots. Kenya has a well-connected transport system, offering convenient access to explore the country’s diverse wonders.

  1. Senegal

Senegal is known to be the country of “Teranga”—which roughly translates to “hospitable people”. This place offers a range of diverse experiences for tourists, be it in terms of history, culture, cuisine, arts, and nature-bound activities. The country is a vibrant gem with its lively musical scene and natural beauty such as pink-hued lakes that can be experienced at Dakar and Lake Retba respectively. If you have a penchant for history, Gorée Island provides insight into the transatlantic slave trade owing to its historical significance.


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Senegal is a safe and inviting destination for travelers seeking an authentic African experience. There is political stability, low levels of violent crime, fairly well-developed infrastructure, and adequate healthcare facilities.

Petty crimes like pickpocketing exist in crowded urban areas and it is recommended to take standard safety measures. Also, note that access to healthcare facilities in rural areas might be limited. 

  1. Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, on West Africa’s coast, boasts lush rainforests, golden beaches, and vibrant cities but most importantly it has warm people. With its diverse ethnic groups, you will experience rich cultural diversity. The country exhibits a resilient spirit that stems from its tumultuous, complex past, including the transatlantic slave trade and civil war. Freetown, its capital, houses the historic Cotton Tree, a symbol of freedom and refuge for freed African slaves in the 18th century. 

Even though Sierra Leone may have experienced safety-related challenges in the past, they have managed to rebuild and cultivate a safe environment for visitors. Post the civil war in 2002, Sierra Leone has witnessed a significant period of political stability and efforts have been made towards improving infrastructure. There is a relatively low crime rate and the country has displayed a commitment to the development of tourism, evident in its well-maintained tourist sites. At most, you still have to remain cautious about petty crimes like theft. 

  1. Botswana

In Botswana, the sprawling beauty of the Kalahari Desert serves as a breathtaking canvas for its rich biodiversity, where elephants and big cats roam freely amidst the golden sands. The country has a thriving eco-tourism industry with a host of outdoor activities such as safaris, desert expeditions, boat trips, and cultural tours. There’s also nothing quite like experiencing the beauty of the Okavango Delta that originates in the highlands of Angola.


Image Credits: Forbes Africa

Botswana is considered safe due to its stable democracy, low crime rates, and strong rule of law. It is a shining example of successful governance and sustainable development. The infrastructure is well-maintained and there is a fairly high standard of healthcare. With active efforts towards development in tourism, the country has built a conducive environment for both residents and tourists. It is still advisable to be on the lookout for petty crimes though.

  1. Uganda

Uganda is often dubbed the “Pearl of Africa” and boasts natural wonders from the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains to the vast savannahs of Murchison Falls National Park. One can catch a glimpse of the stunning Victoria Lake and mountain Gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Its cultural spectrum spans over 50 indigenous languages and has an exuberant tradition of music, dance, and storytelling.

Uganda has seen significant safety improvements, particularly in tourist hotspots. It is currently politically stable. National parks and cities like Kampala are considered safe for travelers. There is a priority of allocations towards infrastructure development. The Ugandan Police Force (UPF) persists in implementing public safety initiatives, resulting in reduced crime rates. Additionally, they’ve heightened security measures to counteract the threat of terrorism. However, taking standard precautionary measures and avoiding no-go areas is still important.

  1. Malawi

In southeastern Africa lies Malawi, a land with irresistible landscapes and warm-hearted people. It brims with vibrant culture, music, and traditions. Lake Malawi, the country’s crown jewel, spans over 580 kilometers, making it one of Africa’s largest freshwater lakes. Known as the “Lake of Stars” for its shimmering beauty, it is a paradise for snorkelers and divers, featuring unique, colorful fish found nowhere else in the world.

The country has a relatively stable political environment and lower crime rates compared to other African nations. While Malawi is generally considered safe for tourists, it still faces challenges and is considered less developed compared to industrialized nations. The country is actively working towards developing its infrastructure. Visitors are advised to take standard precautions and stay informed about local conditions.

  1. Madagascar

Madagascar, the world’s fourth-largest island, boasts an astonishing level of biodiversity, with 90% of its wildlife found nowhere else on Earth, including over 100 species of lemurs. Its landscape is equally mesmerizing, featuring the dramatic Avenue of the Baobabs and the unique Tsingy de Bemaraha, a forest of razor-sharp limestone pinnacles. Rich in cultural heritage, Madagascar’s people are a blend of Austronesian and African origins which is reflected in their languages, music, and traditions.


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While Madagascar has experienced political instability in the past, recent years have seen a more stable political climate, which has positively impacted overall safety and security. The nation is deemed safe due to its low crime rates, friendly population, and growing efforts towards tourism infrastructure. Nonetheless, safety cannot be taken for granted, travelers should stay informed, respect local customs, and take precautions.

  1. Namibia

Namibia is home to some of the tallest dunes on Earth such as the Namib Desert. In this country, you can explore Sossusvlei’s crimson dunes, witness Etosha National Park’s wildlife spectacles, and experience Skeleton Coast’s eerie allure. Honoring the rich traditions of Indigenous tribes like the Himba and San, Namibia provides a window into ancient ways of life amid modernity.

Namibia’s combination of political stability, low crime rates, tourist-friendly policies, community engagement, and good infrastructure contribute to its reputation as a safe destination for travelers. However, petty crimes usually occur at night in urban cities so it is important to be watchful. In the capital city of Windhoek, it is recommended against spending time here due to safety concerns. As long as you’re taking the necessary precautions you’re good to go.

  1. Zambia

In the heart of Southern Africa, one can hear the roars of the magnificent Victoria Falls in Zambia. The country is home to the “walking safari,” a concept pioneered in the South Luangwa National Park, offering visitors an intimate and immersive wildlife experience on foot, unlike anywhere else. Its terrain, stretching from the rugged Zambezi Valley to the vast plains of Kafue National Park, offers diverse habitats for a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and hippos.


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Zambia is widely regarded as a safe destination. Thanks to its low crime rates and stable democratic government, tourists can freely explore national parks, and safaris, and engage in activities such as bungee jumping and white-water rafting without significant safety concerns.

  1. Rwanda

Rwanda’s fascinating terrain is a patchwork of lush hills, sprawling savannas, and dense forests, earning it the moniker “Land of a Thousand Hills.” The country is a delight for those fond of nature, wildlife, and culture. You can encounter a unique experience in Volcanoes National Park, known for sightings of mountain gorillas and golden monkeys while trekking. If you’re looking for a more relaxing experience you might want to consider visiting the shores of Lake Kivu. Gisenyi and Kibuye are picturesque towns where you can try local cuisines. The Kigali Genocide Memorial is a sacred site where you can pay your respects to the victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.

Rwanda is considered to be the safest country in Africa. This is due to its government’s focus on stability post-genocide, resulting in low crime rates and a secure environment. There has been a significant investment in infrastructure and development with access to well-developed healthcare facilities. This has improved the living standards and overall safety of the nation.

  1. Seychelles

Seychelles is famous for its breathtaking beaches with powdery white sand and clear turquoise waters, making it an ideal destination for romantic getaways. The archipelago is also renowned for its rich biodiversity, home to unique wildlife such as the giant Aldabra tortoises and the rare Seychelles black parrot. 


Image Credits: Seychelles

With its lush rainforests and pristine marine environments Seychelles offers excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities. Celebrated for its vibrant Creole culture, Seychelles is a fusion of African, European, and Asian influences evident in its cuisine, music, and festivals.

Seychelles is generally a safe country with political stability. There is a low crime rate, though petty theft can occur, so be mindful of your belongings. Pay attention to local advice about swimming and water activities due to potential strong currents. The nation is also LGBTQ+ friendly and allows one to express themselves freely.

Key Takeaways

While Africa may sometimes be portrayed with misconceptions about safety, the continent is home to a myriad of destinations that offer incredible experiences in a secure environment as discussed in this blog. 

By researching thoroughly, consulting travel advisories, and following common-sense precautions, travelers can do their part in ensuring their safety. 

Also, considering additional factors such as—societal safety and security, climate conditions, political stability, infrastructure, and health is a must before you plan your trip.

Head over to explore tour packages to some of the safest destinations in Africa!

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Which African Country is the Safest and Why?

Mauritius is the safest country in Africa owing to its low crime rate, political stability, and well-developed tourist infrastructure. It offers high standards of health and effective law enforcement.

Africa’s popularity as a tourist destination stems from its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and historical sites. Visitors are drawn to adventure opportunities and natural wonders.

3) How Does Political Stability Influence the Safety of a Country?

Political stability directly influences a country’s safety by reducing the risk of civil unrest and conflicts that can jeopardize the safety of citizens and visitors. It ensures effective law enforcement and promotes investment in infrastructure. This boosts tourist confidence, contributing to overall safety and security.

4) How Reliable is the Global Peace Index for Calculating Peace in Any Country?

The Global Peace Index (GPI) provides valuable insights into peace levels worldwide with data-driven analysis from highly respected resources, but it has its limitations. While it factors in various indicators like crime rates and political stability, it may not capture all nuances, and its reliability depends on data quality and timeliness. It serves as a useful tool for comparing peace levels but should be supplemented with contextual information for a comprehensive assessment.

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