Machame Route 6 Days Itinerary

Compare 6-day Machame tours & realize a 73% Kilimanjaro summit guarantee when you hike this 6 day Machame route itinerary. This especially applies if you’re under 30 years of age and have no experience trekking at high altitudes.

This 6 day Machame route tour Itinerary, otherwise known as the Whiskey route, is relatively straightforward and is brazenly reflected in the route’s popularity. Though there’s very little criticism regarding this route, there’s one simple drawback: the trail welcomes a high number of trekkers during peak season. This may occasionally interfere with your hike however, there’s a simple workaround. To avoid heaps of crowds you’ll have to leave camp early in order to beat everyone to the trails.

If this is your first time climbing at high elevations (above 3,000m/9,900ft), you should know that the most effective way to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is to properly acclimatize during your hike. Long and gradual routes like the 6-day Machame route are perfect for acclimatization systems to be utilized. See, on Mt Kilimanjaro, there are 2 systems that prevent altitude sickness:

  • The first method, Pole Pole (Slow-Slow in English), requires you to be on the mountain long enough for your body to acclimate to various altitudes.
  • The second method, Trek-High & Sleep-Low, calls for trails to have gradual inclines in order for you to trek to high elevations and sleep at lower altitudes. This method conditions your body to anticipate elevation changes while helping you adjust during your sleep.

Unless you find yourself between the ages of 12 and 29, you should seriously consider trekking the Lemosho route’s 8-day variation. This will give you ample time to adjust to elevation changes and will make for a much better climbing experience. The 8-day Lemosho program, unlike the 6-day Machame climb, performs extremely well with hikers that are under 40 years of age.

Highlights From This Long Distance Trail

  • Has spectacular scenery of various habitats, nearby towns and distant mountains
  • Performs exceptionally well with first-time hikers that are under 30 years of age
  • Has great acclimatization landscapes
  • Relatively straightforward
  • Has an 73% summit success rate
7 Days Machame Route Itinerary Mount Kilimanjaro Hike Distance And Elevation Gains2

Best Time To Hike The Machame Route

  •  January through Mid-March
  •  Mid-June through October
  • December

Dietary Food Menus Served On Mount Kilimanjaro

All of your meals on Mt Kilimanjaro are freshly cooked by excellent chefs and served according to your dietary preference.

  • Normal diet
  • Vegan diet
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Halal diet
  • Gluten-free diet

Meet Your Tanzanian Tour Guide

  • 46 years of age
  • Has been leading Mount Kilimanjaro expeditions since 2010.
  • Has 3 years of experience as a porter on Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Received Wilderness First Responders (WFR) safety training

Safety Trekking Materials & Hiking Equipment

High-Altitude Kits

  • Supplemental Oxygen
  • Pulse Oximeter

Medication & Sanitary Treatments

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Anti-Acid Tablets
  • Throat Lozenges
  • Eye Drops
  • Loperamide Tablets
  • Insect Sting Relief Treatment
  • Glucose
  • Oral Rehydration Salts
  • Dexamethasone
  • Phenergan
  • Soap
  • Hydrogen Peroxide

Wraps, Splints & Wound Coverings

  • Triangular Cravat Bandages
  • Rolled Gauze
  • Homeostatic Gauze
  • First-Aid Cleansing Pads With Topical Anesthetic

Tools & Supplies

  • Paramedic Shears
  • Standard Thermometer
  • Small Mirror
  • Surgical Gloves
  • Small Notepad & Pencil
  • Headlamp
  • Stethoscope
  • Portable Stretcher

Evacuation Protocols On This Walking Tour

  • Evacuations on Mount Kilimanjaro are initially on foot and are accompanied by an assistant guide however if you’re unable to walk, 2 assistant guides will carry you with a stretcher up to the nearest point an ambulance or helicopter can be reached.
  • Once in an ambulance, you’ll be transferred to the nearest gate to be picked up or KCMC hospital for treatment. If your condition is severe, you’ll be accompanied by an assistant guide to the hospital where he’ll monitor your condition and write a report. As you undergo medical attention, your family and Embassy will be notified about your health condition. They’ll continue to receive daily reports until you either recover or a close family member arrives.
  • Helicopter evacuations are extremely rare on Mount Kilimanjaro however, in light of an event, you’ll be picked up at Barafu (4,570m/15,000ft) or Kibo (4,724m/15,500ft) and transferred to KCMC hospital along with an assistant guide. These sites on Mount Kilimanjaro are very high and can be extremely dangerous during evacuations so, rescues out of these sites will be conducted on pilot discretion.

Transportation & Meeting Points

  • You will be met at Kilimanjaro International Airport and transferred to Venus Premier Hotel in Arusha City.
  • The next day, you’ll be picked up and taken to Mount Kilimanjaro, where your Mount Kilimanjaro trek will begin.
  • Please keep in mind that the price includes both the hotel and the transfers (airport + trailheads). 

Departure Time

10:00 AM

Kilimanjaro National Park Fees

Kilimanjaro National Park fees
Conservation Fees$70/Per Day
Camping Fees$50/Per Night
Rescue Fees$20/Per Hiker
Guide and Porter Entrance Fees$2/Per Supporting Crew
Tourism Value Added Tax (VAT)18%
Retail Value Added Tax (VAT)18%

Compare Machame Route’s 6-Day Prices

Open Group Treks

Save Costs Climbing Machame Route’s 6 Day Tour With A Mount Kilimanjaro Group. Package includes:

  • Park Fees & Taxes
  • Lodging before and after the hike
  • Camping tents during the hike
  • Mattresses
  • Dining mess tents
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off
  • Transportation to and from the hotel and trailhead
  • Breakfast before and after the climb
  • 3 meals per day during the hike
  • Water during the hike
  • Supplemental Oxygen
  • Support team (certified guides, porters, and cooks)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro evacuation insurance


Private Treks

Get Kilimanjaro Privacy & Flexibility Climbing This 6 Day Machame Private Tour. Package includes:

  • Park Fees & Taxes
  • Lodging before and after the hike
  • Camping tents during the hike
  • Mattresses
  • Dining mess tents
  • Private toilet
  • Flexible travel itinerary during your hike
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off
  • Transportation to and from the hotel and trailhead
  • Breakfast before and after the climb
  • 3 meals per day during the hike
  • Water during the hike
  • Supplemental Oxygen
  • Private support team (certified guides, porters, and cooks)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro evacuation insurance


Package Tours Exclude

  • Flights
  • Visas
  • Insurance
  • Tips
  • Private Expenses

How To Book A Package Tour

  • Step 1: Go to the booking engine on this page and choose your trekking date, package tier, number of travelers joining the expedition, and click on the “Proceed Booking” button.
  • Step 2: Fill in your personal details accurately, including your dietary preference and/or special requirements for the trip, under the “Additional Notes” section. Once you have finished, click on the “Next” button.
  • Step 3: At checkout, click on the “Book Now And Pay Later” button and wait to receive a list of wire transfer details from the official business booking email.
  • Important Notice: Please ensure that wire transfers are made according to the transaction details suitable for your region. Details will be listed in the booking confirmation email sent after registration.

Payment Process

Paying For A Group Trek

  • Pay a small $200 deposit, when booking; then
  • Pay the remaining balance upon arrival; and
  • If you can’t make your trek date, youll get unlimited deferrals at no additional cost

Paying For A Private Trek

  • Pay a $550 deposit, when booking; then
  • Pay the remaining balance upon arrival; and
  • If you can’t make your trek date, youll get unlimited deferrals at no additional cost

6-Day Kilimanjaro Climbing Itinerary & Elevation Gains


All trekkers will have to arrange their own flights to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) and apply for their own visas through the online immigration portal. Visa guidelines are also available on the official immigration website. 

Note, if you’re arriving from a country subject to yellow fever, you will be required to show proof of vaccination. A 72-hour PCR test is required for entry.

A transfer will be arranged to drop off you and your luggage at the hotel to unwind from your travels. Briefing will take place in the evening, before dinner, or early morning.


The drive from Arusha town to the Machame Gate is approximately 2-hours and 45-minutes. The long commute goes through the Machame village, which is located at the bottom slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. At the Machame Gate, while the porters weight their load, you’ll get time to enjoy a deliciously packed lunchbox and a grace period to stretch before the hike. Depending on the number of people, at the Machame gate, this process could take up to 1-hour and 45-minutes.

After registrations you’ll leave the Machame Gate and start your trek up the mountain, towards a dense East African montane forest. The tropical savanna climate in this ecoregion is more humid than the surrounding lowlands and has less distinct wet and dry seasons. Average annual rainfall varies between 1,200 and 2,000 mm. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to come across Abbott’s Starlings, Abbott’s Duikers, and Eastern Tree Hyraxes.

Once you arrive at the Machame camp, you’ll find camping tents set up and dinner waiting for you. You’ll also be able to change, clean and unpack your belongings, before going to bed. However since you’ll get to camp very late, there won’t be room for acclimatization.


At sunrise you’ll be served a nice, healthy breakfast, while your support team packs for the day. Since afternoon temperatures are dry and hot, make sure to wear a hat brimmed cap, a pair of sunglasses and apply reasonable sunscreen. These items are often overlooked, in the cold temperatures of the morning, so it’s best you have them packed in your backpack at all times. Treated water will be provided, every morning before leaving campsites, so if you require warm water during the trek, have it requested in advance, so you may have it ready by the start of your hike.

Once the group is all set and done, the hike will begin toward a steep rocky ridge that leads onto heath and East African montane moorlands. Due to a cold semi-arid climate, vegetation becomes sparse and the region is dominated by Tussock grasses and Helichrysum shrubs. In addition, you’ll be able to spot various geological features such as glacial troughs and pyroducts.

A nice picnic lunch will be served on the trail, before continuing up the valley, onto the Shira Plateau. Once there, you’ll be able to have breathtaking views of the Western Breach and glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro’s Kibo peak. To finish off the hike, you’ll need to cross a large river gorge, to get to Shira Camp, in time for dinner and an overnight stay. Eventhough the days are warm and dry, expect temperatures to drop by night.



After a heavy breakfast and preparation, the hike will leave the Shira Plateau and continue up a ridge, onto the Alpine tundra. This day is specifically reserved for acclimatization at 4,630m (15,190ft), so you may find it easier to adjust up to the summit at Uhuru Peak. This process is commonly known as trek-high and sleep-low. The journey will start east, passing the junction toward Kibo Peak, before changing direction southeast, in order to get to “Shark’s Tooth” at Lava Tower.


Once at Lava Tower, while your body’s acclimating to the altitude, you’ll be served a deliciously packed lunch for the day. This adjustment session should last no more than 2-hours so, to pass the time, you could either socialize or bring an audiobook. Although it’s forbidden to climb Lava Tower nowadays, you can certainly capture memorable pictures of the molten structure.

Shortly after your acclimatization session, you’ll come to a second junction that leads to Arrow Glacier. As you descend down the Barranco Valley, you’ll be flooded with a sea of Dendrosenecio Kilimanjaris and Lobelia Deckeniis. This is by far the prettiest section of the entire trail because, not only will you get to witness unique plants during the hike, you’ll also get to have fantastic views of the great Barranco Wall from the Shira campgrounds. 


Today’s hike to Karanga campgrounds is slow but short. You’ll wake up to a filling breakfast, in front of stunning views of the Barranco Valley. You’ll then begin the day by descending down a ravine and toward the base of the Barranco Wall. Though the Barranco Wall is not a technical ascent, basic scrambling skills are required to traverse the section. As you break through, you’ll maneuver up a steep 900ft cliff and into the Karanga Valley. Here, you’ll cross a series of hills and valleys as you sharply descend down to the Karanga camping pitch for dinner. Sunsets at Karanga campsites are spectacular, particularly views of the southern glacial valleys and ice fields above the area. When the day is done, you’ll have an overnight stay at Karanga Camp.


After an early breakfast, you’ll leave Karanga Valley toward Barafu Camp. This is another short day, on the Machame trail, before attempting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro’s summit at Uhuru Peak. Barafu Camp is one of three base camps on Mount Kilimanjaro, which is known for strong tade winds and closeup views of Mawenzi and Kibo peaks. This is a strong indication that you’ve made it past the southern circuit and your summit climb is around the corner. Unlike previous days, dinner will be served early so you can get plenty of sleep. Summit hikes are demanding so you would want to get enough rest, before the final stretches of the trek. 


Around midnight, you’ll begin your push toward the summit at Uhuru Peak. This means you’ll be leaving the Apline Tundra and entering the much colder Arctic Tundra. The ice cap climate is significantly more colder in the Artic Tundra than the alpine climate. Make sure to have your 3 layers of clothing, a headlamp, wool socks and mittens gloves for the hike.

The trek will continue through Rebmann and Ratzel glaciers, northwest from Barafu Camp. Even with the full moon, the trail is pitch dark, with rays of headlamps on the horizon. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek, due to heavy scree, trade winds and extrem cold weather. The hike will last an approximate 8-hours until Stella Point, on the crater rim. At that point, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful sunrise at dawn. From Stella Point, the hike should only last another 1-hour to Mount Kilimanjaro’s summit, Uhuru Peak.


Once you get to the summit at Uhuru Peak, you’ll spend no more than 1-hour to take pictures with your tour guides and summit signboard. This so you don’t risk altitude sickness at the summit. Shortly after, you’ll descend to Barafu campsite for lunch, before you go further down to Mweka Hut for an overnight stay. Since you’ll be traveling from the Artic Tundra to the East African Montane forests, you’ll find yourself removing layers of clothing along the way. Trekking poles will keep you balanced and centered, while a pair of gaiters will protect your legs from loose gravel. Today will mark the final dinner and sleep you’ll get on the mountain.


After breakfast, you’ll descend from Mweka Camp down to Mweka Gate for 3-4 hours. At lower elevations of the East African montane forests, it can be wet and muddy so gaiters and trekking poles will come in handy. The tropical savanna climate can have you wearing t-shirts and shorts but, in case the weather takes a turn, it’s important to have rain gear and warm clothing nearby.

Your last day on the mountain will be awarded with a certificate at Mweka Gate by the Kilimanjaro National Park. Make sure the certificate issued has a QR code in front of the document, which approves its validity by the Tanzania National Parks Authority. These documents are awarded after you’ve completed the summit register, at the park’s office.

Once at Mweka Gate, a van or bus will pickup you and your belongings for a transfer to your hotel accommodation at Arusha Town. The commute will descend down Mweka Village, onto Moshi town and headed towards Arusha region. The overall trip should take approximately 3-4 hours.


Overnight Stays At The Hotel Before & After Your Hike

Camping Tents At The Mountain’s Campsites

Trekking Map Of The Machame Route On Kilimanjaro

Machame Kilimanjaro Route Map
Machame Route Map

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Related topics to understand:

The Whiskey route ranks fourth in difficulty, right after the Rongai route, Umbwe Route and Marangu route; while the Lemosho route ranks first overall. Though this is the case, the Machame route’s gradual slopes make for great acclimatization opportunities. However, unlike the Marangu route, there are no sleeping huts on the Whiskey route but camping tents.

The 6 Days Machame Route Itinerary costs $1,886pax for open group treks and $2,460 for standard group treks. Private group treks also cost anywhere from $2,460 and above depending on the operator.

Even though Mount Kilimanjaro’s headquarters is established at the Marangu Gate, the Machame route has its own registration office. The only route that doesn’t have its own registration office is the Umbwe route. Registrations for the Umbwe route happen at the Machame gate.

Kilimanjaro day trips end at the Mandara hut in order to avoid altitude sickness. A trip further up the mountain will also require more time to climb. To get to Kibo hut, you’ll have to do a full 5 to 6 day trek. All Mount Kilimanjaro day trips happen on the Marangu route. They start and finish at the Marangu gate. It’s worth knowing that the Marangu gate is the exit gate for the Rongai route and Marangu route, so expect heavy traffic at this station.

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  • Free Deferrals and Cancellations up to 24hrs of the Service Rendered.
  • Hot deals & holidays all inclusive & secured by the Tanzania Tourist Board.
  • Transparent holiday costs, trip plans & 24/7 customer support included.
  • Payment is encrypted and transmitted securely with an SSL protocol.

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